Organic Roots Arbequina Olive Oil Corned Beef

By Chef Andrew Garrett


1 cup Jacobsen Sea Salt

1/2 cup sugar

3 teaspoons canning salt

1 teaspoon mustard seeds

1 teaspoon black peppercorns

1 teaspoon whole coriander seeds

6 whole cloves

8 allspice berries

12 juniper berries

2 bay leaves

1 Cup Organic Roots Arbequinia Olive Oil

3 pounds flat-cut beef brisket


Add 2 cups water, salt, sugar, curing salt, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, cloves, allspice berries, juniper berries and bay leaves into small saucepot over medium heat. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to simmer, stirring occasionally, until the salt and sugar have dissolved. Pour into a large bowl and add 4 cups of ice water. The brine mixture should be cool to the touch. Place the brisket into a large zip-top bag and pour the brine mixture and Olive oil into the bag. Seal the top, carefully removing as much air as possible. Refrigerate for at least five days, and up to seven, flipping over and rotating it every other day. Rinse thoroughly under cool water before cooking.

Cooking Method:

1 cup Organic Roots Arbequina Olive Oil

6 Dry Chilis

½ pound brussels sprouts cut in half

To cook the corned beef:

Place the meat into a 1 gallon vacuum seal bag fat cap facing the smooth side of the bag. I placed the 6 smoked chilis on top of the beef, and placed the brussels sprouts underneath the beef. Seal the bag, and turn the Anova Sous Vide to 165 degrees and set time for 12 hours. Now sit back relax and enjoy the results. 

Once your patience has paid off and your ready to break into that bag of deliciousness, carefully pull the bag from the hot water. THE WATER is still hot! And so is the bag. Place the bag on a cutting board and let rest for a good 10 minutes or until cool enough to handle. Cut open the bag and slowly remove the corned beef, pour the brussels sprouts and liquid into a glass serving dish. Slice the corned beef into ⅛” thick slices place neatly across the brussels sprouts, and drizzle a dab of Organic Roots Olive Oil over the corned beef and serve.

I make my own sauerkraut so I served it with that, you can also add in 5 or 6 baby red potatoes cut in half as well.